Journalism Task 3 : News Report
Profile Name : Ihah Farihah, S.H.I Day of Birth : Bogor, 29th Desember 1983 Adress : Cihuni Village RT/RW 02/03, Pagedangan Sub-district Workplace : MTs Ar Rahmaniyah Possition : Teacher and Homeroom Teacher Educational History : Mint Teladan Bawamai (Pontianak) Mts Ummul Quro Al-Islami (Bogor) MA Ummul Quro Al-Islami (Bogor) IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin (Banten) Motto : "Never give up to education, Chase your dream until the end." Ihah Farihah, S. H.I is a teacher in MTs AR Rahmaniyah Alam Sutera since 2008 until now, she lives in Cihuni Village RT.02 RW.03, Pagedangan Sub-district . In her dailly activity she always teach the student in the school and also every afternoon she always private teaching, she has small family, she has 2 children they are : 1 son and 1 daughter. She is as a arabic teacher she very enjoy with the subject because she graduated from boarding school, that’s why she very en...