Journalism Task 3 : News Report
- Name :
Ihah Farihah, S.H.I
- Day of Birth :
Bogor, 29th Desember 1983
- Adress :
Cihuni Village RT/RW 02/03, Pagedangan Sub-district
- Workplace :
MTs Ar Rahmaniyah
- Possition :
Teacher and Homeroom Teacher
- Educational History :
- Mint Teladan Bawamai (Pontianak)
- Mts Ummul Quro Al-Islami (Bogor)
- MA Ummul Quro Al-Islami (Bogor)
- IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin (Banten)
- Motto : "Never give up to education, Chase your dream until the end."
Farihah, S. H.I is a teacher in MTs AR
Rahmaniyah Alam Sutera since 2008 until now, she lives in Cihuni Village RT.02
RW.03, Pagedangan Sub-district . In her dailly activity she always teach the
student in the school and also every afternoon she always private teaching, she
has small family, she has 2 children they are : 1 son and 1 daughter. She is as
a arabic teacher she very enjoy with the subject because she graduated from
boarding school, that’s why she very enjoy with arabic subject.
has pointed nose, tall, and always wearing veil. She is very kind, cares, and
patient when she teaching. She born in Bogor, 29th December 1983. Her position
at MTs Ar Rahmaniyah as Teacher and Homeroom Teacher. And Educational History :
Mint. Teladan Bawamai (Pontianak), Mts
Ummul Quro Al-Islami (Bogor), MA Ummul Quro Al-Islami (Bogor), and last education
about education, she said “ she never thought about becoming the teacher when
she was chilhood. But, when At first i would like to take a college on English
Department, but my parents suggest me to take an Islam Law (Syariah/ Muamallah)
majority. Until then, i was decided to gave up on my first decision and follows
my parents suggestion. But, after i finished the S1 Degree, i still has a dream
to take an Educational Teaching majority. Then i was took the 4th License (Akta 4)
on University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang at Cikokol, and now i worked as a teacher because i thought a
profesion as a teacher is a profesion that is really noble, all the profesion
can success to do their job is because of the teachers’.
in junior high school is very memorable in her life because, the students’ in
my class in MTs (Junior High School) has a different character for each of
them. So it might improving her patience in learning situation. But, the most
memorable experience for her as a teacher is When teaching a student who has a
disability. And her inspiration to become a teacher is her parents (Especially
Father), because her father is a teacher and until this time he still doing his
teaching job.
was feeling happy being a teacher because can distribute my knowledge based on
the education that i got when i was having my educational study. And she always
message to her student Never give up on learning, keep the spirit to reach the
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